Já faz um tempinho que, acompanhando o blog da Stephanie Law, ando vendo ela postar ACEOs/sketch cards. São pinturas pequenas, que são dadas/trocadas/vendidas, mas eu não fazia ideia de que era algo muito conhecido na INTERNETE artística.
Hoje eu vi um artigo bem bacana sobre a origem dos ACEOs, o qual reproduzo logo abaixo.
Pra quem não quiser ler tudo, destaquei as partes importantes em vermelho.
* Isso dá 6,35x8,89cm, mas a gente pode arredondar pra 6,0x8,5cm, que tal? É ligeiramente mais largo que um cartão de crédito.
Clockwise: Enchanter (aceo), solace, Oya, cricket, patience, hope, panda, growth
Eu já desenhei em cartões e realmente é divertido e gostoso, porque é rápido e rende. A Stephanie Law faz esses aceos em forma de palavras-chave: alguém diz uma coisa e ela faz um desenho baseado naquilo (a imagem ali em cima é dela). Talvez seja algo de interessante pro povo daqui fazer, nem que seja pra trocar figurinhas.
Hoje eu vi um artigo bem bacana sobre a origem dos ACEOs, o qual reproduzo logo abaixo.
Pra quem não quiser ler tudo, destaquei as partes importantes em vermelho.
What is an ACEO? ACEO stands for Art Cards Editions and Originals. It is an art format started by an artist on Ebay two years ago. This artist is known by “bone*diva” on Ebay, but her real name is Lisa Luree.
ACEOs are collectible little pieces of art. An ACEO is always two and one-half inches by three and one-half inches*. That is the size of a standard sports trading card. The rule about size is the ONLY rule in the ACEO world. An ACEO can be created in any medium the artist desires: paint, colored pencils, ink, etc. There are even ACEOs made from wood, clay, fabric, and metal.
ACEOs are tiny art works that can be matted and framed to hang on the wall. Many people display their ACEO collections in the same kind of plastic sheets and albums that sports card collectors use. You might slip an ACEO into a greeting card as an extra surprise for a birthday, anniversary, or Christmas. ACEOs sell on Ebay for anywhere from ninety-nine cents to over one hundred dollars or more!
Lisa started the ACEO movement in response to the prohibition against selling that was associated with typical Artist Trading Cards. (Artist Trading Cards are the same size as ACEOs. They have been around for a long time, and were a way for artists to show their work. Regular Artist Trading Cards are always traded, never sold.) Lisa, whose own art work is very creative, wanted a way to get her art into the hands of her Ebay customers. ACEOs were her solution.
If you go to Ebay and search “ACEO”, you’ll find approximately 5,000 ACEOs listed for sale at any time. I stumbled across ACEOs last year when I was selling on Ebay, and instantly became “addicted” to creating them myself.
Creating ACEOs is a very relaxing and inexpensive hobby to pursue. I usually make mixed media collage ACEOs, and have sold quite a few on Ebay. Anyone with an art hobby will most likely have on hand all the materials they’d need to start creating ACEOs.
To begin, all you need is a stiff base, such as Bristol Board, or even a playing card from an ordinary deck of cards. You can draw, paint, or cut and paste to your heart’s content. Even my grandchildren enjoy making ACEOs with me when they come to visit.
Even though the ACEO movement is still fairly new, today more and more people are learning about them, and they are being offered for sale on more and more websites, as well as in some real-world galleries.
If you are looking for a fun new hobby, try your hand at creating ACEOs. You will find they are like potato chips—you can’t stop at just one.
* Isso dá 6,35x8,89cm, mas a gente pode arredondar pra 6,0x8,5cm, que tal? É ligeiramente mais largo que um cartão de crédito.
Imagem reduzida. Clique na imagem para vê-la no tamanho original.
Clockwise: Enchanter (aceo), solace, Oya, cricket, patience, hope, panda, growth
Eu já desenhei em cartões e realmente é divertido e gostoso, porque é rápido e rende. A Stephanie Law faz esses aceos em forma de palavras-chave: alguém diz uma coisa e ela faz um desenho baseado naquilo (a imagem ali em cima é dela). Talvez seja algo de interessante pro povo daqui fazer, nem que seja pra trocar figurinhas.